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Wang Shuo



Projekt: Wu Bingjians Friends. The Personal Network of a Hong-merchant in Kanton



Shuo Wang, born in 1981, graduated with a M.A. in History and German as Foreign Language Philology from University of Heidelberg. Since 2011 she is a Ph.D candidate associated with the research group "Friends, Patrons, Clients". Her dissertation focuses on the early 19th-century Hong Merchant Howqua (伍秉鉴). In particular, she investigates his interactions with his Chinese colleagues, with Western merchants, and with Chinese government officials.


王硕,1981年出生,海德堡大学历史系以及对外德语系硕士毕业。从2011年起为她是弗莱堡大学 “朋友,资助人,顾客” 研究项目的博士生。她的研究课题主要围绕19世纪初期广州行商伍秉鉴,特别关注他与清政府、其他行商以及西方商人之间的关系。



The Chinese Merchants in Late Imperial China. In: ZHANG Tao, Manuel PEREZ GARCIA, Christine HOWALD (ed.) : The Birth of a Global Society. Circulation of Knowledge, Goods and People between Europe and China. Essays on Conference at Tsinghua University. (forthcoming, Tsinghua University Press)

„The Canton System and the Qing Administration. A window, that didn´t want to open?“, in: Richter, Susan (ed.), Migrating Ideas of Governance and Bureaucracy in Asia and Europe since the Early Modern Era. (forthcoming, Brill / Leiden)


Download: Curriculum vitae

Download: Dissertation project (abstract)