Methodology in Southeast Asian Studies: grounding research - mixing methods
The welcome reception and evening lecture on Tuesday will take place in "Peterhofkeller" (Niemensstr. 10). The conference room for the panels on Wednesday and Thursday is in the 1st floor of the University building at Wilhelmstr. 26.
Conference Program
Tuesday, 29 May 2012 (Location: Peterhofkeller)
Evening Lecture & Reception (7:00 pm)
- Welcome by the organizers
- David Szanton (University of California, Berkeley):
Methodological challenges in Southeast Asian Studies - Reception
Wednesday, 30 May 2012 (Location: Wilhelmstr. 26)
Panel I Glocalized Knowledge Production on Southeast Asia
9:00 am Goh Beng Lan (National University of Singapore) Decentring and Diversifying Southeast Asian Studies: Perspectives from the Region
9:50 am Shamsul Amri Baharuddin (National University of Malaysia)
Beyond Methodology: Knowledge making on Southeast Asia
10:25 am PJ Thum (Oxford University) Southeast Asian Studies as a form of power
― Coffee break (11:00-11:30 am) ―
Panel II Still “Disciplinary vs Area Studies”?
11:30 am Gerry van Klinken (KITLV Amsterdam) The world in a corrupt deal: how Southeast Asian studies can produce better theories of the state
12:05 am Andrew MacIntyre (Australian National) Developing Diciplinary and Regional Expertise in Universities
― Lunch break (12:45 am - 2:00 pm) ―
Panel III Enriching research from a quantitative starting point
2:00 pm Krisztina Kis-Katos (University of Freiburg) Quantitative research on corruption and the challenges of context-sensitivity
2:35 pm Thomas Pepinsky (Cornell University) Context and Method in Southeast Asian Politics
3:10 pm Edmund Malesky (University of California, San Diego) The Economic Impact of Recentralization: An Experiment on the Removal of Subnational Elected Councils in Vietnam
― Coffee Break (3:45 pm - 4:15 pm) ―
Panel IV Localizing Methodologies?
4:15 pm Eric Haanstad (University of Freiburg) Observant Participation and Performative Methodologies
4:50 pm Nurul Ilmi Idrus (Hassanudin University, Makassar)
Ethnographic Fieldwork on a Sensitive Topic: The Indonesian Way?
5:25 pm Paruedee Nguitragool (University of Freiburg) Topics, Theories and Experience: What's Different in Interviewing
in Southeast Asia?
― Conference Dinner (7:00 pm, Restaurant Lichtblick) ―
Thursday, 31 May 2012 (Location: Wilhelmstr. 36)
Panel V Widening historical-comparative research
9:00 am Vincent Houben (Humboldt University Berlin) The new area studies and Southeast Asian history
9:35 am Erik M. Kuhonta (McGill University) Southeast Asia on a Wide Canvas: Comparative Historical Analysis across the Disciplines
--- Coffee break (10:10 - 10:40 am) ---
Panel VI Grounding and situating research
10:40 am Judith Schlehe (University of Freiburg) Collaborative Transcultural Research and Reciprocity in Anthropology
11:15 am Kathryn Robinson (Australian National University) Grounding gender research in Indonesia
Panel VII Graduate Panel
11:50 am Vissia Ita Yulianto/ Melanie Nertz (University of Freiburg) The positionality of an Indonesian and a Western researcher doing fieldwork on Sulawesi and Java
12:20 am Agni Malagina/ Evamaria Müller (University of Freiburg) Archival research and fieldwork compared and combined
-- Lunch break (12:50 pm – 2:15 pm) ---
Panel VIII Mixing, combining, nesting methods
2:15 pm Christian von Lübke (University of Freiburg) Societal Accountability and Elite Pluralism in Democratic Indonesia: Advantages of Mulit-Method Vantages
2:50 pm Sarah Shair-Rosenfield (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) Gender and Electoral Politics in Southeast Asia: The Contribution of a Mixed-Methods Approach
3:25 pm Yuhki Tajima (University of California, Riverside) The Institutional Basis of Intercommunal Order and Violence: Indonesia's Transition from Authoritarian Rule
― Coffee Break (4:00 pm - 4:15 pm) ―
4:15 pm Donald K. Emmerson (Stanford University) Disunity in Diversity? Epistemological Tolerance and Methodology in Southeast Asian Studies