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Occasional Paper Series: Southeast Asian Studies at Freiburg

Much of the research on which these occasional papers are based was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Please be aware of the disclaimer concerning our usage & copyright policy. To download the Occasional Papers click on one of the images on the right.

ISSN 2512-6377
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Occasional Paper N°50 | Schlehe, Judith; Rüland, Jürgen (July 2022)
The West and the World in Indonesian Imagination and Experience

Occasional Paper N°49 | Schlehe, Judith (February 2022)
Cosmovisions, Multispecies Anthropology, and Planetary Health in Pandemic Times

Occasional Paper N°48 | Hashim, Azirah; Leitner, Gerhard; Alaqad, Mohammed (September 2021)
The impact of Arabic on English in Asian Polities: A Comparative Study

Occasional Paper N° 47 | Gonschorek, Gerrit J. (August 2020)
Subnational Favoritism in Development Grant Allocations: Empirical Evidence from Decentralized Indonesia

Occasional Paper N° 46 | Rother, Stephan (July 2020)
Migration Governance through Transnational Connectivity? The Asian Inter-Parliamentary Caucus on Labour Migration

Occasional Paper N° 45 | Mao, Caixia; Müller, Lukas Maximilian (June 2020)
Learning from the Competition – China’s, Japan’s and the EU’s Infrastructure Connectivity Rule Setting in Asia.

Occasional Paper N° 44 | Rüland, Jürgen (February 2020)
Why Competitive Connectivity Is Environmentally Unsustainable. The Environmental Implications of Southeast Asia’s Race for Infrastructure Modernization.

Occasional Paper N° 43 | Rüland, Jürgen (June 2019)

"Multilateralism Light" - The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and the Rescue of a Rules-Based International Order.

Occasional Paper N° 42 | Müller, Lukas Maximilian (December 2018)

Governing Regional Connectivity in Southeast Asia - The Role of the ASEAN Secretariat and ASEAN's External Partners.

Occasional Paper N° 41 | Schlehe, Judith; Yulianto, Vissia Ita. (June 2018)

Waste, worldviews and morality at the South Coast of Java: an anthropological approach.

Occasional Paper N° 40 | Gonschorek, Gerrit J.; Schulze, Günther G.; Sjahrir, Bambang S. (March 2018)
To the ones in need or the ones you need? The Political Economy of Central Discretionary Grants - Empirical Evidence from Indonesia

Occasional Paper N° 39 | Maier-Knapp, Naila (March 2018)
How the EU Promotes Regional Security in Southeast Asia

Occasional Paper N° 38 | Ganesan, Narayanan (January 2018)
Bilateral Issues in Myanmar's Policy towards China

Occasional Paper N° 37 | Fünfgeld, Anna (November 2017)
Governing Resources, Governing People: From Timber to Coal in Indonesia

Occasional Paper N° 36 | Myutel, Maria; Sandkühler, Evamaria (June 2017)
(In)visible Ethnicity: Celebrating Chinese and Indian Descent in Indonesia

Occasional Paper N° 35 | Downes, Meghan; Kobbe, Paritosha (March 2017)
Merantau and Minangkabau Modernities: Stories of Mobility in Prose and Practice

Occasional Paper N° 34 | Rüland, Jürgen (October 2016)
Coping with Crisis: Southeast Asian Regionalism and the Ideational Constraints of Reform

Occasional Paper N° 33 | Xiaorong Han, Lingnan (September 2016)
How Special has the Special Relationship between China and Vietnam been? A Re-examination of Three Aspects of Sino-Vietnamese Relations: the Chinese Model, the Chinese World Order, and Conflict Management

Occasional Paper N° 32 | Tomsa, Dirk (June 2016)
Beyond the Executive Toolbox: Regime Continuity in Indonesia's Multiparty Presidential Democracy

Occasional Paper N° 31 | Schlehe, Judith; Nisa, Eva F. (January 2016)
The Meanings of Moderate Islam in Indonesia: Alignments and Dealignments of Azharites

Occasional Paper N° 30 | Aswicahyono, Haryo; Hill, Hal (January 2016)
Is Indonesia Trapped in the Middle?

Occasional Paper N° 29 | Chachavalpongpun, Pavin (January 2016)
Thailand in Sino- U.S. Rivalry. At the Crossroads of the Thai Internal Conflict

Occasional Paper N° 28 | Rüland, Jürgen (December 2015)
Democratizing Foreign Policymaking in Indonesia and Democratization of ASEAN: A Role Theory Analysis

Occasional Paper N° 27 | Rüland, Jürgen (October 2015) 
Why (Most) Indonesian Businesses Fear the ASEAN Economic Community. Struggling with Southeast Asia's Regional Corporatism

Occasional Paper N° 26 | Beeson, Mark (September 2015) 
Can ASEAN Cope with China?

Occasional Paper N° 25 | Müller, Lukas Maximilian (August 2015) 
The False Promise of Interregionalism? Determinants of EU-ASEAN Complex Interregionalism

Occasional Paper N° 24 | Schlehe, Judith (April 2015) 
Cosmopolitanism in the Modern Mystical World of Java

Occasional Paper N° 23 | Watson Andaya, Barbara (February 2015) 
"Come Home, Come Home!" - Chineseness, John Sung and Theatrical Evangelism in 1930s Southeast Asia

Occasional Paper N° 22 | Rüland, Jürgen (December 2014) 
Paradoxes and Unintended Consequences of Interregional Democracy Promotion: Normative and Conceptual Misunderstandings in EU-ASEAN Relations

Occasional Paper N° 21 | Gonschorek, Gerrit-Johannes; Hornbacher-Schönleber, Sophia; Well, Mareike (December 2014)
Perceptions of Indonesia's Decentralization – The Role of Performance Based Grants and Participatory Planning in Public Health Service Delivery

Occasional Paper N° 20 | Roces, Mina (April 2014)
A Space in Social Memory - Filipina/o American Migrants as Community Historians, 1906-2010

Occasional Paper N° 19 | Kis-Katos, Krisztina; Sparrow, Robert (January 2014)
Poverty, Labour Markets and Trade Liberalization in Indonesia

Occasional Paper N° 18 | Nguitragool, Paruedee (July 2013)
Indonesia, the West and International Politics: A Survey of  Indonesian Student Perceptions of Self and Others in International Relations

Occasional Paper N° 17 | Kis-Katos, Krisztina; Sjahir, Bambang Suharnoko; Schulze, Günther G. (April 2013)
Political Budget Cycles in Local Indonesia

Occasional Paper N° 16 | Kis-Katos, Krisztina; Sjahir, Bambang Suharnoko (April 2013)
Does local governments' responsiveness increase with decentralization and democratization?

Occasional Paper N° 15 | Wiese, York (First version April 2013, last version July 2014)
The “Chinese Education Problem” of 1948. Thai Governmental Repression as Perceived by the Thai Chinese Press

Occasional Paper N° 14 | Chachavalpongpun, Pavin (April 2013)
Thailand’s Red Networks: From Street Forces to Eminent Civil Society Coalitions

Occasional Paper N° 13 | Seitz, Stefan (March 2013)
Indigenous Peoples and the process of decentralization: Conflicting interests regarding upland resource management in Palawan Province/Philippines

Occasional Paper N° 12 | Farfán-Vallespín, Antonio (August 2012)
Decentralization as Unbundling of Public Goods Provision. New Effects of Decentralization on Efficiency and Electoral Control

Occasional Paper N° 11 | Fünfgeld, Anna; Lücking, Mirjam; Platte, Florian (July 2012)
How Can Standards Contribute to Social Welfare through the Improvement of Public Service Delivery? An Interdisciplinary Assessment of the Potentials of Standard Based Public Service Delivery in Indonesia

Occasional Paper N° 10 | Wang, Pei-Chen (April 2012)
Normative Power Europe and Asia-Europe Relations

Occasional Paper N° 9 | Thianthai, Chulanee (March 2012)
Perceptions of Democracy among Thai Adolescents

Occasional Paper N° 8 | Huotari, Mikko (February 2012)
Practices of Financial Regionalism and the Negotiation of Community in East Asia

Occasional Paper N° 7 | Illy, Hans Ferdinand (January 2012)
Conflict Resolution, Political Decentralization, Disaster Risk Management and the Practice of Sharia Law: The Case of Aceh, Indonesia

Occasional Paper N° 6 | Rüland, Jürgen (December 2011)
Constructing Regionalism Domestically: Local Actors and Foreign Policymaking in Indonesia

Occasional Paper N° 5 | Agustina, Cut Dian R.D. (World Bank Jakarta); Fengler, Wolfgang (World Bank Nairobi); Schulze, Günther G. (November 2011)
The Regional Impact of Indonesia’s Fiscal Policy on Oil and Gas

Occasional Paper N° 4 |  Jetschke, Anja (August 2011)
Is ASEAN a Provider of Regional Security Governance?

Occasional Paper N° 3 |  von Lübke, Christian (July 2011)
Controlled Multimethod Policy Analyses (COMPAS): A Comparative Study of Democratic Governance in Contemporary Indonesia

Occasional Paper N° 2 | Rüland, Jürgen; Bechle, Karsten (March 2011)
Defending State-Centric Regionalism through Mimicry and Localization: Regional parliamentary bodies in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Mercosur

Occasional Paper N° 1 | Bullinger, Cathrin; Seitz, Stefan; Volz, Andreas (March 2011)
Das Jollibee-Phänomen: "Filipino in taste - making proudly Filipino". Aneignungsprozesse im philippinischen Konsumverhalten in Geschichte und Gegenwart


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