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Yandry Kurniawan Kasim



Yandry Kurniawan Kasim, born in 1980, is a Ph.D candidate at the Department of Political Science at the University of Freiburg. In 2005, he received a Magister Sains (M.Si.) from the Post-Graduate Program, Department of International Relations Studies at the University of Indonesia, with the Austrian’s “ASEA-UNINET Fundation” scholarship program. In 2010, he received a Master of Social Sciences (MSS) from the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Tamkang University, Taiwan (R.O.C.) with a scholarship from the Democratic Pacific Union, Taiwan. Between 2006 and 2008, he was a member of the teaching staff for strategic studies modules at the Department of International Relations Studies, University of Indonesia.

Yandry’s epistemic community involvement started in 2005 when he worked as Project Officer for the Security Sector Reform (SSR) at the ProPatria Institute until 2007. Between 2007 and 2008, he was the Program Director for SSR at the Center for Global Civil Society Studies (PACIVIS), University of Indonesia. During his involvement in the Indonesian SSR epistemic community, Yandry has published several works, among others: Satu Dekade Reformasi Militer di Indonesia (A Decade of Military Reform In Indonesia), with Ali A. Wibisono and Broto Wardoyo, (PACIVIS-UI in cooperation with FES-Jakarta, 2008); Strategi Keamanan Nasional Indonesia: Aktor, Regulasi, dan Mekanisme Koordinasi (Indonesia’s National Security System: Actors, Regulations, and Coordinating Mechanisms), with Dwi Ardhanariswari (editors), (PACIVIS–UI, 2008); Parliamentary Oversight on National Defence (1999-2007), with Andi Widjajanto and Aninda R.T. (PACIVIS-UI in cooperation with FES-Jakarta, 2007); Intelijen Pertahanan: Tinjauan Literatur dan Perspaktif Historis Indonesia (Defence Intelligence: A Literature Overview and Indonesia’s Historical Perspective), with T. Hari Prihatono, in Andi Widjajanto (ed.), “State, Intel, and Fears (Negara, Intel, dan Ketakutan)”, (PACIVIS-UI, 2006).

His field of interests include strategic and security studies, Indonesia’s defense policy and strategy, security sector reform in Indonesia, security aspect of democratization, securitization theory, and the live and works of Tan Malaka.


Research Project

Securitization vs. Desecuritization Dynamics of the State under the Democratic Transition Process: A Case Study of Indonesia since 1998